It is time to start cleaning out your closets, drawers and basements because the Longacres Garage Sale is right around the corner. This year the neighborhood sale will be held on Thursday, May 22 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. In years past, the night prior (Wednesday, May 21) was a “preview night” for the residents of Longacres. This allowed people from the neighborhood to view the treasures being offered a day early. We would do this from about 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. We can do that again this year if we can get enough participants. Please let me know if you would be interested in participating, as a host of a garage sale, on the “preview night”
I will be advertising the garage sale in many locals papers as well as social media. I will also place signs directing people to our neighborhood. if any one would like to help with the sign placement or if you have any garage sale signs. please email me at I believe that we have also asked people (who will be participating in the garage sale) to help by contributing to the cost of advertising. I will let you know the exact amount but I believe it has been around $7 in the past. Stay tuned for more accurate information.